SB -200HD liquid membrane
SBH Seal SB-200HD Brush Grade is liquid that tuns into solid rubber and is therefore seamless, and is a nontoxic environmentally friendly one component waterproofing membrane formulated with premium rubber polymers. SB-200HD is a long-lasting, well-priced membrane however, it is ideal for sealing leaky roof penetrations ductwork seems cracks tears and puncture in almost any Roof System, SB-200HD is also used for a variety of other waterproofing purposes and is usually installed in 2 or 3 codes, Products versatility and uses SB-200B brush grade can not only be applied in the roofing applications but for waterproofing foundations gutters showers beams and much more with its ability to withstand water indefinitely it is truly a unique waterproofing solution for the entire building envelope Beyond waterproofing SB-200HD can be used as an impermeable anti-corrosion layer to protect steel and concrete from deterioration it is especially resistant to assets and caustic substances.
Allow 12 hours of “dry weather” to cure. We suggest 24 Hours for best results.
High temp during application may cause longer cure times, in high temp with humidity best to do multiple thin coats, apply above 35°F (5°C).
SB-200HD should be installed on a clean, dry and structurally sound surface, free of sharp edges, lose or foreign material, dirt, oil, grease, other materials or debris, which may damage the membrane.
Small irregularities may be filled with SB-200.
SB-200 formulates into a fully adhered rubberized membrane. If the substrate has any type of dust, mud, dirt or debris it will adhere to those objects and not to the roof.
Prior to spreading the SB-200HD over the roof, apply a coat of SB-200HD in all corners and round all penetrations. To bridge joints, seams, vents, skylights, and any layers of membrane, use Reinforcing Mesh strips (available in 4", 6" 12” & 40") coursed between two coats of SB-200 over the seam. Allow 24 to 48 hours for full cure.